Ellen Booth Church
Early childhood educator, keynote speaker, writer and product consultant.

Workshops & Keynote Speeches

Ellen is famous for presenting workshops that get the participants involved; thinking and playing; singing and dancing! Her approach to working with adults is similar to hers when working with children: Present the content information, Offer a problem to solve, and Stand back and let the creative and critical thinking begin. 

Her belief is that adults need to "play" with educational content just as much as children. So instead of just lecturing, she adds questioning, audience participation and play. All of her presentations have a focus on Brain Research and the importance of developing thinking skills. Even in her keynote speeches, Ellen invites the audience to think, play and interact!

Ellen is available for Keynote Speeches and Educator Workshops as well as Parent Workshops.  

Examples of Ellen's Current Keynotes and Workshops

Several Keynotes coming up in 2019 in Texas, West Virginia, India and Nepal

2018 Keynotes
Click below for more information:

New Jersey LCMS Conference Keynote April 13, 2018
Click here for information

Child Care Providers Coalition Conference April 19, 2018
Click here for more information.

Great Start Early Childhood Conference, Alpena Michigan
May 19, 2018
Click here for more information

Just a sampling of Past Keynote:
February 18th, 2017
ADA Area Early Childhood Conference

I will be offering the keynote at this conference in Oklahoma.

July 11-13, 2016

Early Childhood Leadership Summit Singapore
I am looking forward to offering the Keynote and several workshops at this important conference.

August 10-11, 2016 Minnesota
The Communities Collaborative Conference
This will be an excellent opportunity to offer a keynote and share ideas with this strong community.

September 22, 2016 Denver Colorado
A R A P A H O E  L I B R A R I E S
I will be offering a staff training for the libraries and an evening presentation for families.

Some of Ellen's 2014-2015 speaking engagements were:

November 6-7, 2015
Fall ECE Conference in Creston Iowa
I offered a parent night training and a keynote for this well organized conference at the University.

October 15-16, 2015
CRECEF Inc. an organization of Church related preschool in Los Angeles and Orange county.
I offered two day long trainings for this wonderful faith based school conference. A true pleasure to work with this group.

September 28th- October 2nd, 2015
ESF Schools Hong Kong
I offered a Keynote and parent workshops at this exciting school in Hong Kong. I was so impressed with the work being done in these schools!

August 4th, 2015 Austin, Texas
Presbyterian Weekday Ministries Conference
I offered a Keynote and workshops at this exciting many day conference.

August 5th and 6th, 2015 Kansas City, MO
Christian Early Childhood Association Conference
I will be offering keynotes and several workshops over a two day period.

April 12, 2015 Austin Texas
Austin Toybrary Big Baby Bash!
A keynote speech for parents on building brains with toys, games and songs!

March 21, 2015 Manhattan, Kansas
The Mad Hatter Tea Party
An Day Long Training for Care Givers presented by Ellen with the Theme of the Mad Hatter Tea party. Topics covered: Math, Science, Literacy and Music!

Jan. 23, 2015
Keynote at Education World Early Childhood Conference
Mumbai, India

Nov. 2014
NAEYC Dallas Conference
Workshop presentation with Jim Mayer

Oct. 25th 2014
Delaware Early Reading Conference

October 2014
Southern Arizona AEYC Keynote and workshop at annual conference

January- February, 2014
Return to India! Go to Nepal!
Ellen will be working with teachers, parents and children in the Kinderpillar schools throughout India. This year a school is being added in Kathmandu, India and Ellen will go there to work as well.

February 21, 2014

Keynote at the "Celebrating Connections Conference"- Huntington, West Virginia

 Example Keynote and Workshop Topics (Educators)

Mind and Hearts Together: Inseparable Tools for Learning

Join internationally known early childhood educator, Ellen Booth Church for a lively keynote dedicated to creating connection between social emotional learning and academic skills. There are so many ways we can encourage children to use their minds and hearts together daily. Come explore great ideas you can take right back to your classroom. This interactive keynote will have you thinking, feeling and problem solving with joy and humor! 

Terrific Transitions: Using Transitions to Teach and Manage Behavior


Transitions can be one of your best tools for managing behavior in your classroom management tool belt. These quick interludes can positively redirect attention, calm and center, release extra energy and tension, and gently guide behavior. Ellen Booth Church is well known as an expert in Circle Time and Transitions. Several of her books are on these topics. In this session she will take an interesting look at ways we can use Transitions as mini-teaching opportunities and a joyful approach to managing behavior with compassion and clarity.

The ART and Science of Thinking
Young children are natural investigators, scientists and thinkers.  Through our purposeful play interactions and conversations with children we encourage the development of language and higher order thinking skills. In this workshop we will explore the practical application of Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Scientific Method throughout your day… from greeting to goodbye!
Arts Play Brain Play
We all use art and music and dance in our early childhood programs daily.  Let’s take a look at how these important activities support brain development and higher order thinking skills!
Arts Play-Literacy Play
A more specific keynote and workshop that looks at the connections between the arts and the development of early literacy skills.
Don’t Forget Your Funny Bone
A look at the importance of having Humor in your curriculum!  From research “whys” to the hilarious “hows” we will explore the power of humor in all areas of the curriculum.
Teachings Around the Circle
From the author of the Group Time column in Scholastic’s Early Childhood Today magazine for the last 20 years.... A session filled with new perspectives on an old topic. We will experience creative ways to use Circle Time to teach and inspire children through a diverse use of creative (and unusual) ideas and materials.  Your circle time will never look the same again!
Science is the Art of Invention
How is Science an Art and Art a science?  We will explore the ways young children use science thinking and processing skills in everyday art, and the activities you can use to encourage deeper exploration.

A Day in the Life of a  Preschooler
An all day workshop with Ellen Booth Church
In this full-day session, participants will be both the “children” and the “observers” as they experience a wide variety of fresh ideas for activities throughout the preschool day. This hands-on session will provide an emphasis on recent brain research that explains the “why’s and how’s” of these exciting activities. Participants will have the opportunity to interact with learning materials that support a quality classroom environment.

Using Developmentally Appropriate Manipulatives and Toys to Stimulate Brain Development
How can Infant and toddler teachers put the recent studies in Brain Development into action?   We have all read the information, now let’s co-create Developmentally Appropriate Activities to enliven our interactions with Infants/Toddlers and manipulatives.    New and experienced caregivers alike can feel unsure of what to say or do when sharing toys with young children.  Questions arise such as: What should I say?  When is it better to be quiet? When do I add a new challenge? Which toys and activities will help infants and toddlers develop particular skills? It is important for caregivers to know how their interactions with children actually develop language, cognitive, motor and social skills.  Through addressing these questions as we interact with actual materials we will develop guidelines and activities for more effective and productive interactions with children and materials.
Workshops for Parents

HOW to Inspire your Child to Love of Learning

Very early in life children begin exploring the world with their bodies, senses, and developing skills. They intuitively know how to take the smallest observation, object, or surprise and turn it into a meaningful experience. It is our job to support this curiosity and help it grow. How to inspire curiosity, creative thinking, and joy along your child’s path to greater knowledge? Join Ellen as she shares some practical suggestions you can take right back to your family.


The Power of Play

How does your child learn? With her whole being…mind and heart together! Join Internationally known early childhood educator, Ellen Booth Church for a fun and interactive look at the many ways we encourage our children to use thinking skills through asking fun questions and simple activities you can do at home. This is an active and interactive workshop...so come prepared to play!


Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Preschool (or Kindergarten/First Grade) And Didn’t Know Whom to Ask

Based on my books of the same name... these are workshops that help parents know how to choose good programs, prepare their child for them and help them make the transitions between Preschool and Kindergarten.  Hands-on experiences for parents to experience and opportunities for them to ask the tough questions.
Think About It
How to Promote Brain Development in Your Child Through Conversations and Play! 

What groups have hired you?  What are some of the topics?  Why hire you?  The messages and teachings can be geared to all audiences be it teachers, administrators or parent groups?
What groups have hired you?  What are some of the topics?  Why hire you?  The messages and teachings can be geared to all audiences be it teachers, administrators or parent groups?

What groups have hired you?  What are some of the topics?  Why hire you?  The messages and teachings can be geared to all audiences be it teachers, administrators or parent groups?